Sofbol (Deportes)

Por (autor) Mari Schuh

"North American Spanish translation of Spot Softball. Elementary sports fans will score a home run with key vocabulary in this high-interest leveled reader about softball. Simple text and color photos touch on players, rules, and equipment. A search-and-find feature reinforces key vocabulary"--

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"North American Spanish translation of Spot Softball. Elementary sports fans will score a home run with key vocabulary in this high-interest leveled reader about softball. Simple text and color photos touch on players, rules, and equipment. A search-and-find feature reinforces key vocabulary"--
Edad de lectura: 5 - 6 años
Longitud de impresión: 16 páginas
Idioma: Español
Dimensiones: 18.42 x 0.64 x 21.59 cm
Editorial: Amicus
Fecha de publicación: 1 agosto 2020
ISBN-10: 1645491919
ISBN-13: 978-1645491910