Leer el futuro con cartas españolas: Curso Completo

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Many people are drawn to the possibility of knowing the future through something as simple as a game of cards, yet few possess the skills to do so. This book is a tool for reading and understanding the Spanish tarot deck, useful for beginners as well as those looking to deepen their knowledge of the technique. Its object is not to convert every person into a fortune teller, but rather to teach methods for interpreting the everyday signals that indicate a destiny that can be modified.

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Many people are drawn to the possibility of knowing the future through something as simple as a game of cards, yet few possess the skills to do so. This book is a tool for reading and understanding the Spanish tarot deck, useful for beginners as well as those looking to deepen their knowledge of the technique. Its object is not to convert every person into a fortune teller, but rather to teach methods for interpreting the everyday signals that indicate a destiny that can be modified.
Longitud de impresión: 160 páginas
Idioma: Español
Editorial: Ediciones Lea
Fecha de publicación: 1 junio 2013
Dimensiones: 17.02 x 1.02 x 23.88 cm
ISBN-10: 9876348787
ISBN-13: 978-9876348782