Japanese Mythology

Por (autor) Juliet Piggott
Categorías Sintoísmo , Humanidades

Japan is a country rich in myths, legends and folk tales, inspired by history, ghost stories and religion. Some of these are recounted in this book, such as that of Ameratasu, the sun goddess, who plunged the world into darkness in anger at the behaviour of Susano, the storm god.

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Japan is a country rich in myths, legends and folk tales, inspired by history, ghost stories and religion. Some of these are recounted in this book, such as that of Ameratasu, the sun goddess, who plunged the world into darkness in anger at the behaviour of Susano, the storm god.
ISBN-10: 0753700026
ISBN-13: 978-0753700020
Editorial: Bounty Books
Fecha de publicación: 15 octubre 1997
Idioma: Inglés, Español
Longitud de impresión: 144 páginas