Gastronimía erótica: Secretos para estimular el deseo sexual: Las Mejores Recetas Afrodisiacas y Otras Curiosidades Sexuales (Rouge (robinbook))

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Through naughty historical anecdotes and surprising recipes, this book explains how to encourage and strengthen eroticism in relationships, beginning with stimulating the body's biggest erogenous organ: the brain. Historically, humans have maintained a passionate relationship with food, and this guide offers aphrodisiac recipes--including a variety of dishes that use chocolate--to continue that bond. Stories from ancient and modern civilizations, such as Athens, Rome, and France during the Belle…

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Through naughty historical anecdotes and surprising recipes, this book explains how to encourage and strengthen eroticism in relationships, beginning with stimulating the body's biggest erogenous organ: the brain. Historically, humans have maintained a passionate relationship with food, and this guide offers aphrodisiac recipes--including a variety of dishes that use chocolate--to continue that bond. Stories from ancient and modern civilizations, such as Athens, Rome, and France during the Belle Époque, are scattered throughout.

A través de pícaras anécdotas históricas y recetas sorprendentes, este libro explica cómo fomentar y fortalecer el erotismo de las relaciones, empezando con cómo estimular el mayor órgano erógeno del cuerpo: el cerebro. Históricamente, los seres humanos han mantenido una relación apasionada con la comida, y esta guía ofrece recetas afrodisíacas--incluyendo una variedad de platos que usan chocolate--para continuar ese vínculo. Historias de las civilizaciones antiguas y modernas, como la Atenas, la Roma o Francia durante la Belle Époque, se dispersan por todo el libro.

Longitud de impresión: 273 páginas
Idioma: Español
Fecha de publicación: 20 octubre 2011
Dimensiones: 13.97 x 2.03 x 21.59 cm
ISBN-10: 8499171443
ISBN-13: 978-8499171449